DCA Compliance

Spectrum Legal Support Services is DCA Compliant.    Our process servers utilize Photo and Global Positioning Satellites (GPS) to log each service attempt:

Spectrum Legal Support Services process servers electronically capture a location photo and record the time, date, and location of service or attempted service and immediately submit the data contained into a pdf report which is then sent to each client for review and retention.  All records which are created by such electronic means are maintained in an electronic database which is safeguarded and available for seven (7) years from the date such record is created.

While GPS logging is not a legal requirement in Arizona yet, we believe more servers and process serving firms who are using GPS logging, the better. Using such technology should increase transparency and reduce the instances of unscrupulous servers engaging in "gutter / sewer service" which gives our industry a black eye.  We believe laws will be implemented nationwide to require logging GPS coordinates during service attempts.  So, being at the early stage of such technology will certainly be beneficial for us in the future.

Spectrum Legal Support Services has recognized the change of technology within our industry early on.  Today, civil process servers through out the country have been taking advantage of logging GPS coordinates with various software methods when they make service attempts.  Our process servers capture a location photo and GPS specific location coordinates at which our process servers are attempting service is then recorded � including the date and time.  Presently, this information serves as an added record to show when and where service was attempted or effectuated.  In fact, logging GPS coordinates is a legal requirement in New York City; this information must accompany all civil process attempts in New York.

Tracking GPS

It wasn�t just changing technology which caused civil process servers to begin logging GPS coordinates when making service attempts, it was the need to provide additional proof to the courts that due diligent attempts to serve defendants were actually made.

Additional proof was needed as a direct result of the New York sewer service scandals in the late 2000s.  These events defamed civil process servers and had a massive impact on the requirements of those in the civil process service industry.  Essentially, process servers in New York infamously falsified service affidavits after neglecting to provide due diligent efforts or service attempts at all.  This practice became widely known as �sewer service� (e.g. they threw the papers into the sewers of New York) has been the bane of the civil process service industry since the height of the scandal in the late 2000s.

Subsequently, the courts needed to get more reliable confirmation that service attempts had been made. With the capabilities of GPS service, New York City moved to make logging GPS coordinates and storing this data a requirement, which was signed into law in July 2011.  Storing the data made a permanent record which could not be changed by process servers. While there are currently no statewide GPS regulations in place, it may be something which will be required of process servers in the future� especially as many clients are requiring GPS logged service attempts from their civil process service providers.